National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH)’s Statement on the Senate Cloture Vote

October 5, 2018
Contact: Stephanie Reichin
E: [email protected]
C: 617.549.3745

New York, NY – The National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH), released the following statement today regarding the Senate’s cloture vote to proceed with a final vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.

“Members of the Senate cast their cloture votes today, with a Senate majority voting to advance Judge Brett Kavanaugh one step closer to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court of the United States. This vote starts a ticking clock towards tomorrow’s expected full Senate vote on whether to confirm this nominee – sending yet another appalling message to sexual assault survivors and threatening a grave shift in the balance of the nation’s highest court away from protecting critical rights and freedoms, including a woman’s ability to make decisions about her body, her family, and her future.

NIRH continues to condemn any affirmative votes to advance Brett Kavanaugh towards a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. His judicial record alone makes it clear that he is not a fair-minded jurist; his belligerence towards United States Senators, while being rightly questioned about accusations of sexual assault, makes it clear that he is entirely unfit to make decisions affecting the lives of millions for generations to come.”
