Donate to NIRH

Your financial support allows us to form partnerships in states and cities across the country, arming advocates and policymakers with the tools they need to safeguard access to abortion and contraception. Make a tax-deductible donation today!


Donation FAQs

Other Ways to Give

Make a Gift by Mail or through wire transfer

Checks can be made out to National Institute for Reproductive Health or NIRH. Please address mailed contributions to:

Attn: Development
14 Wall Street, Suite 3B
New York, NY 10005

To make a donation through wire transfer, please contact [email protected] or call (646) 520-3508 for account information.

Increase Your Impact Through Corporate Matching

Check with your company to see if they have a matching gifts program and reach out to us at [email protected] or 646.520.3508 for specific information your company needs to process your match!

Make a Gift of Stock or Securities

We accept gifts of appreciated stock, bonds, and other marketable securities. To make a gift of stock, please contact [email protected] or call 646.520.3508.

Request stock brokerage details

To access NIRH’s account number, brokerage name, DTC info, and additional information needed to make your gift of appreciated assets, please contact [email protected].

Give through a Donor Advised Fund

Leave a Legacy with NIRH

You can make a lasting difference by making a planned gift to NIRH. These gifts are simple to set up and have an enormous impact on our movement. Learn more about gifts by will or trustbeneficiary designation, or IRA rollover, and please contact [email protected] with any questions.

A copy of the organization’s latest financial reports may be obtained here. Any further needs can be obtained upon request, from the National Institute for Reproductive Health (14 Wall St, Ste 3B, New York, NY 10005) or from the Attorney General’s Charities Bureau website (