Oregon Commits $15M to Abortion Infrastructure

Policy Win
Expanding Abortion Access

Following the successful partnership with Pro-Choice Oregon and the Northwest Abortion Access Fund (NWAAF) in 2021 to secure Portland city funding for abortion care, NIRH again worked with the same advocates in 2022 to achieve this funding on the state level. Thanks to this advocacy, on March 16, 2022, Oregon passed a state budget that includes $15 million for abortion access.

This is a bold initiative that will bridge the impact for many people seeking care – including not only Oregonians who already face barriers to accessing care, but also to neighbors in Idaho, where abortion is now effectively banned.

The Oregon Reproductive Equity Fund, which will be administered by Seeding Justice, will cover abortion procedures, travel, and lodging, and will expand provider network capacity for Oregonians and those who travel to Oregon for care.

Oregon’s passage of abortion access funding is an example of the leadership and practicality needed from state legislatures, and NIRH encourages other states to follow in Oregon’s lead.